Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bruschetta for the Cooking-Disabled

Since it's been hot as Hell recently, I've been eating a lot of bruschetta. It's 100% delicious and pretty cheap to make. Plus, it makes you look like you know how to cook so you can impress your friends. Now read this! 

4 large, ripe tomatoes
1/2 red onion
6-8 basil leaves
1/2 block of cream cheese
pinches of salt and pepper
1 baguette loaf
Olive oil
1 large bowl and a wooden spoon 

1. Dice tomatoes. You'll have to remove the seeds under some running water. Throw all this goodness in a large mixing bowl.
2. After removing the outside skin, dice your red onion. Wear swimming goggles to protect your eyes. Add to your tomatoes. 
3. Stack your basil leaves on top of each other. Roll leaves into a tiny burrito. Cut the burrito long ways THEN finely dice. Some people like more basil than others. It's up to you. Add to bowl. 
4. Drizzle this yumfest with some quality olive oil. You're not drowning it, you just want enough OO to coat all the tasty stuff. For our OCD cooks, let's say 1/4 c.  
5. Cube your cream cheese and lightly mix in. Now, some recipes call for a finer cheese, but mine is wallet savvy. For calorie complainers, you can use finely shredded mozzarella. 
6. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cover and set in frig for 30 minutes (Unless you can't wait that long and read below).

7. Toast some baguette slices on a grill or in a toaster or conventional oven.
8. Load your slices and EAT!

[Side note] Bruschetta varies depending on who makes it. It's really up to you and what you like. I've seen it with corn, yellow peppers, and cut up avocado. Various recipes can be found online. I just like mine because it takes zero effort. 

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