Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let's All Cry Together

 My break is going just swimmingly for those interested. For a few days it was stressful because me and the Diva were talking about me getting a new car. Car payments = Imprisonment. 

Let's talk about the summer! I can't even express the level of joy I have when thinking about the summer. First, I am going to Peru for 10 days of mission work. Yes, my Wanderlust is finally being appeased! Then, I am going to a warm place with the most delightful girlfriends for sand and ocean water and impromptu photo shoots. Last, I am taking place in a wedding that will most likely be akin to the Royal Wedding but without fancy hats. Geez summer. Get here ASAP.

Now that I live on my own, my fear of money has increased tenfold. I never use to worry about my finances until I realized I am responsible for myself. It's so terrifying that sometimes I'll look at my bank account statement just to be sure there's something there. The whole money phobia is silly because I am smart with my earnings and do not exceed my living needs. I'm not sure where the paranoia comes from but I'll be overwhelmed with these images of me living on the streets and being hunted down by a beefy bill collector named Buck. Maybe I should give up coffee for a while. Sometimes my imagination makes pretending to be normal very hard. 

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