Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chicken Salad Deliciousness

Chicken salad is probably one of the most delicious foods that can be made in less than 15 minutes. It's super simple and only gets better the longer it merries. It's also one of those items that can be adapted for calories.


2 c. Chicken meat (I buy a precooked chicken from the Deli)
1 c. Craisens
1/4 c. walnut pieces
3/4 diced green apple
2 c. prediced carrots
3 T. brown sugar
1 T. White vinegar
1/2 c. Olive Oil Kraft Mayo

1. Whisk up the mayo, vinegar, and brown sugar.

2. Mix together all the foodie bits. I guessed the measurements that I used. I mostly just threw stuff in a bowl till it looked yummy.

3. Combine your whisk mix into the bowl with all the foodie bits. Stir till it's throughly mixed. For a less "wet" salad, use less Mayo, but really I didn't use that much Mayo to start with.

4. Gobble on crackers or some other type of carb item: Bagel. Bread slice. Stale Crouton.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tears and Tears

 I believe there are certain things that are instrictly good for the soul: rich foods, lively music, holding hands, abundant dancing, and crying. There is something refreshing about a good cry. I think it cleanses and renews the spirit. I haven't cried since...Halloween? Yes, Halloween when some idiot broke a piece of my furniture. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Shake it Baby

So after I sweat out a million calories, I usually want a cheeseburger with bacon, lettuce, tomatoe, and enough condiments to sink a canoe. However, I try to make a protein shake and imagine it's a chocolate milkshake. This recipe works pretty well and it takes zero effort.


- Half a frozen banana
- 2 scoops Muscle Milk chocolate powder
- 1 cup dark chocolate almond milk (dairy hurts me)
- 1 tablespoon dark chocolate peanut butter
- lots of ice

 Throw everything into a blend and churn until ice is grated. I like mine thick and heavy. It fills me up and makes me feel like I've cheated the calorie gods.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kentucky Travels

This weekend I did the makeup for a university friend for her wedding. Between me and V, we churned out 5 girls with made-up faces and teased-up hair. The night before I drove up to stay with V. We ate these giant burgers that made us both sick and spent the evening laughing about life and boys and the future. V is probably my smartest friend and I'm always impressed by our conversations. I really want V to move down here to complete her Masters/PhD/Rule the World, but the jury is still out on this.

Anyway, we go to this wedding. We eat. We dance. We collapse at midnight. I was so excited to be a part of the event because:

a) I got lots of free cake.
b) I got to see one of my friends get married.
c) The uncle of the bride told me about meeting the Queen of England.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Strawberry Pie and Reflection

 What a full weekend it's been. Yesterday morning I had a breakfast date with a coworker and in the evening a girl from church called for a sushi date. Both conversations were so much fun and very encouraging. It's been really important to me to make connections in MarriedMecca and both women are uber entertaining. It's also nice that I'm getting past the boring Small Talk that you're obligated to do when making a new friend. I HATE that portion of conversations.You might as well ask someone how their nailbeds are doing or which toothpaste they like. Yawn. 

 Church today was great. I have really enjoyed the pastor's sermons and I actually become sad if I can't make church on a given Sunday. Today's message was about Exodus and not bending the Bible to fit your lifestyle. I don't think I do this (often), but it was insightful and humorous and I thought of a person I wanted to share it with, but I'm worried I'll be accused of hypocrisy. 

 I'm also warring a battle against this damn strawberry pie I'm suppose to be making for a church brunch. I can't stop burning the pie tins! It has the directions ON THE BOX and I've destroyed 2 of them. Who does that??? 

Monday, April 9, 2012

This is not rando- Beehive!

***Laying on my porch in the sunshine with the blue sky above; Reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkaBOOM for the hundredth time. Lupin is such a hottie.  

Pet Peeve: When people post EVERYTHING they eat on Facebook. Gurl please, ain't nobody wanna see that you ate crusty pudding and a Starbucks for Lunch. And we really don't want to see your janky noodle and tuna dish that look like it came out of a middle school cafeteria served up by the creeper lady from Matilda.

 Yes, I am aware my pet peeve contains urban jargon and improper grammer.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Low Calorie Rash!

Okay so I love food. Hence why I am 30 pounds overweight and not a size 4. But in my new food resolution, I am trying to find healthy alternatives to the fatty foods I crave. 

Snack time. One wedge of Laughing Cow Cinnamon CreamCheese spread is only like 45 calories. If you smother this stuff on a bunch of strawberries it's delicious and satisfies a sweet tooth. It tastes a little like a strawberry cheesecake bite if you use your imagination.

Let's All Cry Together

 My break is going just swimmingly for those interested. For a few days it was stressful because me and the Diva were talking about me getting a new car. Car payments = Imprisonment. 

Let's talk about the summer! I can't even express the level of joy I have when thinking about the summer. First, I am going to Peru for 10 days of mission work. Yes, my Wanderlust is finally being appeased! Then, I am going to a warm place with the most delightful girlfriends for sand and ocean water and impromptu photo shoots. Last, I am taking place in a wedding that will most likely be akin to the Royal Wedding but without fancy hats. Geez summer. Get here ASAP.

Now that I live on my own, my fear of money has increased tenfold. I never use to worry about my finances until I realized I am responsible for myself. It's so terrifying that sometimes I'll look at my bank account statement just to be sure there's something there. The whole money phobia is silly because I am smart with my earnings and do not exceed my living needs. I'm not sure where the paranoia comes from but I'll be overwhelmed with these images of me living on the streets and being hunted down by a beefy bill collector named Buck. Maybe I should give up coffee for a while. Sometimes my imagination makes pretending to be normal very hard.