Monday, February 28, 2011

Thunder Clap

You have those days where you wake up late and think to yourself, "The day is shot. Blurg! I was going to accomplish so much more!" This day started like that. I blame it on the morning thunderstorm. I love sleeping during those.

Long story short, I received an excellent job lead. It's a type of position that I could really excel in, geared towards the degree I graduated with. I sent this woman my resume. We're having a phone meeting today at 3:30 to discuss the details. 

The future is a scary thing. I don't want to move forward but I'm afraid of being left behind, and even more fearful of not progressing at all. Because of my need to be perfect, I tend to over-think all my moves. I'm not one of those lucky people who can just toss life into a can, shake it up, and watch things explode. I like having a plan. Plans are safe and neat and controllable.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

And in times of self-doubt...

"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience." - Victoria Holt

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

What is the plural of "Lego"?

Today at work a child sat down to play with some Legoes. He then debated with me the financial Pros and Cons of building a Lego Zoo vs. a Lego restaurant. Then he lectured me about the Zoo he's building on his iPad. 

I'm fairly certain I ate newspaper when I was his age. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Un-Employment and the Art of being Schooled.

Yesterday, Betina and I went to a job seminar for the jobless. Can we talk about a humbling experience? My mother was unemployed for roughly a year not too long ago. She would talk about her fellow comrades and the mighty rat race that comes with the territory of job seeking. However, I was very schooled by some of the hardships facing others; jobless for years, foreclosuress, sole beadwinnders, alot of fear, no health benefits, dwindling 401ks..ect.

Lesson learned? I am doing GREAT.

Side note: Training for a half marathon when you are a newbie to running sucks. I can't seem to get over the four mile mark. Is it because I'm too chunky? Am I not stretching enough? Am I not eating enough? Maybe I should start weight lifting...   

Monday, February 21, 2011

Must Do, Should Do, Can't Do

By nature, I'm a bit flighty. Hence, the necessity of a list. When I was in school, a list held my weeks together. I wrote everything down on a big, yellow notepad. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing things off on a list.

The List

[ ] Join the Peace Crops. I think this would be most beneficial in creating a more well-rounded and responsible me. Furthermore, I want to travel.

[ ] Unpack all things from the garage from college. This would not only be a personal victory, but would please the parents.

[ ] Lose 20 lbs. This has been a struggle since I hit puberty in sixth grade. Am I beautiful just the way I am? Duh. Would I be 10x hotter with less jelly? Most definitely.

[  ] Finish half marathon. I signed up last night. Business goes down the first of May. I am currently up to four miles on the treadmill. Uew-Rah.

[  ] Start substitute teaching. This has been a battle for around a month. Paperwork is a tool of the Devil. Until all the paperwork is processed, I don't step foot in a classroom.

[  ] Purchase a kitten. I am hopelessly allergic, but they're just so darn cute.

[  ] Pull my life together. How do I accomplish this...?

Not too shabby. Let's see how this pans out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This is My Life.

I am 22 years old.
I graduated from The University of X in December 2010.
Now what do I do?

I feel my insecurities are not so uncommon.
Why not share them?

I have been graduated for two-ish months. I work minimum wage with spoiled children at Little Monsters Inc (not it's real name). I like my job and very thankful for the opportunity to work.

However, this gig is not a career maker. These two months are quickly going to turn into four, six, ect. Something must be done or I will become a lifer. I do not want my daily ritual to consist of wiping the baby puke from my cardigan or putting together a train set in as many intricate patterns as I can think of to amuse the kiddies.

But What I Really Want to Do is Save the World

I'm young and idealistic and single. Why can't I pack my bags, load a plane, and take off? Ah that's right, I take alternative medicine not commonly found in all areas of Europe, I have $ZZ,ooo in student loans, my mother would sob, ect. *Sigh*
Being a responsible citizen blows.

Marriage is not an Escape Plan at the Moment.

Despite popular belief, not every young lady is looking for a MRS. degree when she goes to university. I was clever. I studied hard and avoided unwanted pregnancies. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA, top marks, and accolades. Guess what?

Nobody cares. I have zero sense of where my life is taking me. I'm very unattached and yet I have pangs of envy over friends getting hitched. Do I want a ring? No. Would it be nice to have something resembling a road map to where my destiny is heading? Yes. Would it be even better if I had a passenger to take with me along for the ride and be there for me when I'm upset? [insert husband here] 
What I really need to do is make a list of what I want to accomplish and go from there. Next entry will be my list.