Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Do You have the Power to not Smile?

I did NOT feel like working out today, but I hadn't sweated in a week-ish and knew it was necessary. Hitherto, I put on bright red lipstick and went for a run. Who says running can't also be fashion forward?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hi'Ya Neighbor!

The girl I share a wall with is not home often. When she is home, she blasts loud Showtunes and stomps around like she's wearing combat boots. I have told her twice to turn down her music. The woman downstairs has asked her nicely too. I'm starting to think she either has a hearing aid that prevents her from enjoying music at a normal level or that I am going to have to get nasty. I have banged on our shared wall with a stiletto. The sound quickly abated. However, further steps may need to be taken. Here's what I have thought of:

 Dear Amber,

   If you do not stop playing your awful iTune Playlists, I will rub my bare ass on your front door.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No Shame Salty Yumm Yumm

Look at these! They are Sensible Portion Garden Veggie Straws. You can pretty much buy them everywhere, but you can buy the jumbo bag at Costco or Sam's Club. I know that if I buy potatoe chips, I will eat an entire bag in one sitting and spend the rest of my night curled into a heap of self-pity. However, if I buy a bag of these I don't feel awful for going overboard. You get 38 straws for 130 calories; 7 grams of fat; 120 grams of sodium and zero perservatives. The sea salt-flavored ones are my favorite.