Wednesday, July 27, 2011

They're Full!

Who's excited about the weekend? This girl.

Tomorrow night one of my University buddies may drive through my part of town and that would make me terribly happy to see him. He is one of my most favorite people and I miss seeing him on the daily. 

But wait, the weekend is just getting started! On Friday Ginge is coming to stay at mi casa and I haven't seen her in forever + a minute. I like her and we always have good conversations about whatever pops up. 

I truly miss college. I never thought I would say that because my University was in the tiniest circle of Hell and I thought (almost) everyone there was totally bonkers. Now I realize how much fun it was and how much I liked it. Because even though it was odd and filled with even stranger people, I think I somehow made a place for myself. And I miss all those weirdos.  

[ Side note: Can you believe there are two of these walking around? Bananas.]


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Froken Salander

Happy Tuesday! Well, I'm happy because today is my day off. 

Breakfast Juice: 1 beet, a handful of strawberries, 3 Fuji apples (and half a pint of toffee carmel icecream). Sugar overload.

During the summer season, I try to read as many books as I can get my hands on. I feel that I've slacked a little.

1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Everyone and their mother read this book last summer. And to my delight, it is as good as people claimed. 

2. Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. Disappointed in this one. The last four books I've read by her I enjoyed, this one not so much.

3. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah E. Harkness. It's like Twilight, but smartly written with well-developed characters and an interesting plot. In essence, what Stephanie Meyer wishes she had written. 

4. Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. Honestly I haven't finished this one. It didn't catch my attention the way I thought it would.

5. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare. This is the fourth in a series. Don't bother reading it if you haven't read the first 3.

6. Vegan Freak by Bob and Jenna Torres. I love eating animals: steak, ribs, roasted chickens, ect. However, I'm also curious about the whole Vegan movement that seems so popular in Hollywood and environmental hipsters.

7. House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Excellent read for the summer. I especially loved this story because one of the main characters is a teen with Autism.

8. The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I would suggest reading this before the hits theaters this Fall. For whatever reason, I enjoy novel set around the 1960s.  

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thank God

It's the weekend.

Have you juiced today? It's the best way to start a meaningful evening. It's very simple and less expensive than getting wasted in a seedy bar. 
First- Buy a juicer
Second- Juice Fuji apples, watermelon, a peeled lemon, and possibly something else really yummy.
Third- Pour concoction over ice and use a colorful straw. 
*You'll feel good and you won't have a hangover the next day!

Monday, July 18, 2011

True That.

This weekend has been a nice break from all things related to reality. I got to see one of my best friends and ate homemade onion soup. It was superb and I dare say I ate enough to feed a small country. Together we saw part II of the Deathly Hallows. I totally teared up when Dobby died even though I knew it was coming. I probably would have sobbed had I not been in a public setting. Yesterday I went to a Bridal convention with my newly engaged cousin. Then for dinner me and the fam ate at this little place down on the river. Besides the scorching heat, a perfectly perfect time. 

Earlier this weekend, I had an interesting conversation with a friend. It makes me look at what it means to be a true friend. I question some of my friendships and the sincerity of them. It seems like my generation in particular struggles with the ability to develop close, meaningful connections. 

"A friend is someone you can vent to and you know it won't go any further. A friend is someone you can hang out with and never share a cross word. A friend is someone who, with a reasonable explanation, would help you bury a dead body." - My father.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Deathly Hallows

Going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II tonight! Ah! Geeking out and dressing up! What the what!?! 

Friends make fun of me because I am a Potterhead but I really think the story has excellent themes for daily living. 

Monday, July 4, 2011


Life is about loving simple things. What could be more simple than skinny dipping? I love it. We have a fenced in pool and late at night, shrouded in total darkness, I can be found in my birthday suit smoking a cigarette. Some people are totally horrified by this and I point out that everyone is naked under their bathing costumes. I recommend skinny dipping to everyone if you want to live a full life.