Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chicken Salad Deliciousness

Chicken salad is probably one of the most delicious foods that can be made in less than 15 minutes. It's super simple and only gets better the longer it merries. It's also one of those items that can be adapted for calories.


2 c. Chicken meat (I buy a precooked chicken from the Deli)
1 c. Craisens
1/4 c. walnut pieces
3/4 diced green apple
2 c. prediced carrots
3 T. brown sugar
1 T. White vinegar
1/2 c. Olive Oil Kraft Mayo

1. Whisk up the mayo, vinegar, and brown sugar.

2. Mix together all the foodie bits. I guessed the measurements that I used. I mostly just threw stuff in a bowl till it looked yummy.

3. Combine your whisk mix into the bowl with all the foodie bits. Stir till it's throughly mixed. For a less "wet" salad, use less Mayo, but really I didn't use that much Mayo to start with.

4. Gobble on crackers or some other type of carb item: Bagel. Bread slice. Stale Crouton.